Lowongan: Total e&p Indonesie - Fresh Graduate Engineer
24 Desember 2012
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TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is a 100% Indonesian Subsidiary of the Paris based TOTAL Group, having its Head Office in Jakarta and operational sites in East Kalimantan. It was incorporated in Jakarta on 14 August 1968. Since then, it has been working partnership with the Indonesian Government, as a Production Sharing Contractor in the search for, and development of, Indonesia's vast hydrocarbon reserves.
TOTAL E&P INDONESIE oriented its efforts on the hydrocarbon potential of the Mahakam towards natural gas as the key to its nature in East Kalimantan. Exploration and appraisal works let to discoveries of considerable reserves of gas in the Peciko, Tambora, Tunu, Sisi, and Nubi fields making the company to become the largest gas producer in Indonesia, supplying 80% of feed gas to Bontang plant (the largest producing LNG plant in the world).
Due to the high-level development activities to meet the increasing hydrocarbon production commitment, TOTAL E&P INDONESIE invites highly qualified professionals to apply for the following positions:
Job Opportunities
We are inviting highly qualified professionals from the following majors to join us for a challenging career :
Fresh Graduate Engineer
Holding Bachelor's Degree in :
* Bagi Pelamar yang belum menjadi Member ECC dapat mengirimkan aplikasi lamaran ke Kantor ECC UGM. Plaza KPFT/KPTU Fakultas Teknik UGM, Jl. Grafika No.2 Yogyakarta 55281 atau ke Graha Karir ECC UGM, Jl. Krasak (Barat) No. 20 Yogyakarta
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