How to Remove Newfolder.exe Virus
18 April 2008
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Newfolder.exe is one of annoying virus. The real name of this virus is "Iddono". This virus will copies it’s files to your hard disk.It will eat up your empty hard disk space. Its typical file name is Iddono. Then it creates new startup key with name Iddono and value newfolder.exe. An ".exe" file is being created with the same name as the folder itself in all drivers and cannot be deleted manually. This virus (newfolder.exe) will recreates itself everytime you delete it. Task manager and folder option are disabled. The registry also can’t be opened. This virus also make the system running slowly.
This virus has make a serious problem for thousands users. It’s really make frustating. Standard anti-virus software can do nothing against privacy breakers and malicious programs like that. So what you have to do if your computer is infected by newfolder.exe virus? You can Solve Newfolder..exe Problem Now. There two ways to remove this virus from your computer. You can delete it manually or you can download newfolder.exe virus Remover to remove the virus.
To fix newfolder.exe virus manually may be difficult and you run the risk of destroying your computer. It’s for advanced users only. This problem can be solved manually by deleting all registry keys and files connected with this software, removing it from starup list and unregistering all corresponding DLLs. Additionally missing DLL’s should be restored from distribution in case they are corrupted by Iddono. More instruction read here. If you not sure to delete the files and registry entry, you can Download Iddono Virus Remover. It would be the greet way and easy job for you.
This virus has make a serious problem for thousands users. It’s really make frustating. Standard anti-virus software can do nothing against privacy breakers and malicious programs like that. So what you have to do if your computer is infected by newfolder.exe virus? You can Solve Newfolder..exe Problem Now. There two ways to remove this virus from your computer. You can delete it manually or you can download newfolder.exe virus Remover to remove the virus.
To fix newfolder.exe virus manually may be difficult and you run the risk of destroying your computer. It’s for advanced users only. This problem can be solved manually by deleting all registry keys and files connected with this software, removing it from starup list and unregistering all corresponding DLLs. Additionally missing DLL’s should be restored from distribution in case they are corrupted by Iddono. More instruction read here. If you not sure to delete the files and registry entry, you can Download Iddono Virus Remover. It would be the greet way and easy job for you.
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